Thursday, 28 October 2021

October meeting minutes

Burton Joyce Climate Action Group Meeting 


via Zoom

Present: Julia Devonport, Phil Colbourn, Bobbie Prime, Justin Udie, Gill Newman

Apologies: Paul Smith.

1.     Welcomed Gill Newman.

2.     Constitution-adjusted wording. All present agreed it was acceptable.

Plan: Phil to put on our website and Facebook page and to align our aims on the website with the constitution.

We discussed that roles in the group would be useful e.g. a treasurer, but no decisions made.

3.     Bank Account. Discussed asking for donations at live meetings versus a member ship fee. Gill mentioned that the local history society had less people coming to events when membership was required versus donations.

Julia to contact our regional FOE member of staff to get a letter of permission to open a bank account. 2 group members are needed to act as signatories

4.     Market Stall feedback. We felt it was a success and it was felt that a stall every quarter would be useful. Gill volunteered to take on the role as the stall coordinator with Karen who runs the market and will contact her to book a slot for January.

5.     Group email address. Justin has set up a gmail account for us so we can have a single source of email contact. Ask Julia for the password.

6.     Gedling draft climate action planBobbie has not yet heard from Melvyn Cryer at Gedling Borough council about when he can come and talk to our group about the draft climate action plan. Note: Let parish Council know so they can send a long a representative.

7.     Future meetings. We can continue monthly meetings for the group on zoom or hybrid meetings (zoom and live) and decided to aim for the 3rd Monday of the month approximately.

A live meeting inviting the community to hear a speaker or participate in an activity could be every 2 to 3 months at a venue. We decided on Thursday January 20th as a possible date for a first live meeting, we’ll need  a venue and a theme/speaker.

Plan: Julia to contact Howard, regional FOE staff about grant for initial meeting.

8.     Notts County Council Pension Divestment from Fossil Fuels. Group agreed that this was a worthwhile subject to campaign about. There is a meeting on 26th October at Nottingham Climate Action group to discuss further and we’ve been invited, I will clarify if its in person or via Zoom.

9.     Parish Council. Julia went to the communities meeting today:

-Notts Bat Group were invited and put a detector up in the Grove and between 6 and 8 species were detected (there are 12 species in total found in Notts, so quite a good number). They made some recommendations which I’ve asked them to consider carrying out, including purchase of bat boxes.

-Environment Plan. They agreed to review it in the new year as a small working group.

-They agreed to have their carbon footprint calculated and Julia will email the parish clerk regarding setting up a small meeting to find out what will be involved, use of their data etc. for Justin to meet them.

10.  Carbon footprint consultation. Paul currently contacting local organisations regarding participation in this. Parish Council could be one of them.


11.  Severn Trent tour. Bobbie reported that about 12 had signed up for tour and she was planning to contact John Jackson about the final details this week.


Next meeting - Monday 22 November at 7pm Justin will send out the link.



Julia Devonport




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