Minutes of meetings
Burton Joyce Climate Action & Biodiversity Group (BJCAB)
in chronological order
(Scroll down for older minutes)
Minutes of Burton Joyce Climate Action meeting, 27/04/23
Old School Building, Burton Joyce.
Present: Julia, Helen, Clare, Ros, Louise and Denise.
Apologies: Bobbie, Phil, Gill, Sharon, Claire.
1. Speed limit
Campaign to reduce speed limit in village to 20 miles per hour “20’s plenty”. Positive consultation with public at community market on 8/4/23. We had questions that were written out on boards and people placed stickers on the statements that they agreed with.
Level of worry about traffic in village:
25 people seriously concerned about traffic in village, 7 quite worried, 5 a bit uneasy, 1 not worried. Total=38 people.
What is important:
26 cleaner air, 15 less traffic noise, 21 safer streets, 19 more attractive environment, 19 more pleasant space for walking/cycling.
32 people would support us in lobbying for a reduced speed limit, 1 would not, 5 didn’t say.
Helen showed us a video about “20s plenty” from their website which clearly explained the benefits which have been proven in areas where it has been adopted.
At the local environmental hustings (see next point) the Liberal Democrats did not support this initiative but Labour, Conservative and Green party did.
Plan: Louise to write an article to be sent to the village magazine, on the Burton Joyce Facebook page and in other free publications that come to our village (Julia to send info as required to Louise).
? plan stall at e.g. Co-op after article publication to ask a bigger group of villagers?
Helen to write to Parish Council after these have been published in order to present this to the Parish Council for their support.
2. No Mow May.
The initiative to stop cutting your grass during the month of May so that common flowers, important for pollinating insects, aren’t prevented from flowering. Gill went to recent Parish Council meeting and reported that L King supported this idea.
There are 3 areas earmarked to be left during May in the village this year, including near the Roberts recreation ground and the grass near the Millenium sundial where the bulbs need the chance to die down naturally. This is an increase from last year.
Plan: Posters already put up by group in these areas to advertise this. Julia to write a short piece about it to be posted on village Facebook page for beginning of May.
Louise spoke to David List following the meeting and he has agreed to increase the No Mow May area with the approval of the PC next year and increase the mower height this year.
3. Wild Flower Initiative.
Louise linked up with BJCAG group at the Community market. She also went to the Parish council meeting and is planning to meet with the Parish council again in June in order to discuss a Wild flower Plan for the village.
This will decide which bits of ground we can target for wild flowers and who will be doing what. L King is keen that volunteers will be involved in this.
Plan: Await date for meeting and send BJCAG representatives to get involved.
4. Green Hustings with political parties represented in Gedling Borough.
This was organised by Gedling Climate Group on 17/04/23 with some input from our group re selection of questions. We submitted one about whether they would support a lowering of the speed limit in Burton Joyce to 20 miles per hour and another was about preventing the dumping of raw sewage in the Trent.
Mike Adams represented the Conservative Party.
All parties supported the improvement of water quality.
The Gedling Climate Group are keen to hold an environmental summit and we gave our support for this.
Julia has since emailed Mike Adams, Sam Smith (Conservative), Richard Fletcher, Muhammed Malik (Labour), Richard Fife and John Fynn (Lib Dem) with a set of similar questions to find out what their responses are so we can let locals know their thoughts and opinions on Green issues rather than on a Political party level.
5. Meeting with Mike Adams planned for 15/05/23
We decided that the main topics for the meeting would be “20s plenty”, management of the grass verges, sewerage/water quality, update on his role as “environmental ambassador”.
6. Community Market stall.
Market stall in April successful. There was no fee this time. Locals seemed more comfortable coming to the stall to answer questions/give opinions with the air pollution topic than previously. Good format to use for other topics, e.g. support for No Mow May?
Next stall booked for September. Plan to promote 20s plenty and wild flower plan-possible free seeds or for a donation?
7. Coronation plans.
The Village Hall Committee are organising an event at the Village Hall on Monday morning at 10am where local groups can have a table to promote themselves. Opportunities to volunteer during the afternoon Parish Council. (As supported by King Charles)
Gill has booked a table for the morning.
Julia has booked the village litter pickers(x6) with rubbish bags for the afternoon.
Depending on numbers we can have a group of litter pickers and do some weeding around the saplings? Decision made that watering could be a bit dangerous if fetching it from the river.
Plan: Julia, Gill, Ros
Julia to arrange pick up of pickers and bags next week.
Julia to link with Ros and Gill re plan for Monday morning.
May be worth posting on FB so people know to come along with their own gloves and pickers?
8. Nottingham Climate action Group
The Nottingham group contacted us with regards to supporting the “Warm Homes” campaign. They have asked us to contact organisations in our area to see if they will support the petition which will ultimately be presented to MPs:
-emergency funding for those struggling with energy bills.
-home insulation scheme
-move towards cheaper greener renewable energy.
We had a think and came up with a few local organisations we could approach:
Nola’s, Village Hall, Hospice shop, St Helens, Primary school, Zest for life/Rhubarbs, Post Office, Pubs.
Julia to start sending some emails using template.
Would anyone else like to do this? Julia can forward you the template.
9. Sign for Jubilee copse we planted last year.
No progress so far due to expense of sign quotations. Look at a smaller sign with less writing? Use a stencil to put lettering on the fence? Needs further discussion.
10. Facebook.
Agreement that we need to make sure we post after every event both on ours and the village one.
11. Funding.
Discussion regarding this. Clare has experience of group in Netherfield that grants generally only given to constituted groups. We do have a constitution and a bank account but no clear roles of responsibility. Helen to look at the “Magic little grants” which could be used to continue our bulb planting etc. We also need to think about what we want to fund and what we are going to focus our energy on.
We can ask for donations towards projects by local companies and for voluntary donations.
Coop was collecting for our group in order to replenish the planters that we have put at the Coop. Is this still happening?
12. AOB
Denise offered to have a small poster, some fliers regarding our group on her stall at the community market which we will need to put together. Would anyone like to do this?
Next time:
Clare to talk about Constitution
Claire to talk about use of QR codes.
Next meeting date proposed:
Tuesday 6th June at 7pm.
Minutes from Burton Joyce Climate action group meeting
Old School Building, B.J.
Present: Justin, Julia, Sharon, Ros, Phil, Claire, Helen.
Welcome to Suzanne, Claire and Denise.
Apologies: Bobbie, Gill.
1. Annual review - Julia forgot to bring our annual summary.
Plan: Julia to circulate by email.
Please can you check it and then I could send it to the Village magazine for printing in next magazine.
2. Parish Council Carbon Footprint
Justin gave us a summary of the carbon foot printing work that he had been doing for the Parish Council regarding the carbon footprint of the Old school Building. He is planning to make some recommendations and the present it to the Parish council. We hope to use this piece of work as an example to engage with the community regarding energy use.
3. Planting of hedging plants from the Woodland trust.
John Jackson, Severn Trent Farm manager has offered February 5th as a potential planting date. We had a discussion about potential damage of plants by the cows and shading by more mature trees and we will be guided by John.
4. Plaque for Jubilee Copse.
We like the Men In Sheds idea - could they be approached to make a sign? Julia to make provisional email enquiry
Bobbie are you happy to take on the organisation of the plaque once Julia hears whether Men in Sheds can do it or not?
Price and wording are main considerations
5. Planters and insect photos.
When the weather warms up, Ros to take some insect photos of the planters/bulbs for posting on social media.
6. Display of photos in library
Agreed this was a good idea. Bobbie to lead on this?
7. Air Pollution research
Helen to liase with Nottingham University
We hope the sensors will be in place in the next few weeks.
8. Anti Idling
General agreement that this would be a positive thing outside school but important to promote it as a positive on children’s health and air quality. Gill has already approached the primary school. Needs further discussion and follow up.
9. Next community market stall. 8th April?
Gill are you happy to contact Karen?
We also need to meet to make the stall display more eye catching.
Date made for Monday 6th Feb at Ros’s house at 7pm to look at this. Sharon, Julia, Claire and Claire interested in doing this. We will need the measurements of the display boards. Julia could collect them from Bobbie’s house if we feel they are needed on the night.
10. Poster
Claire showed us the templates she has made so far, including FOE logo, hour glass logo and our details. Thank you Claire, they look good and need less ink than the FOE Canva templates.
Discussion re. including the word Biodiversity but decision made to leave it out for now as it is a bit of a mouthful.
11. Evening meeting plan.
After success of Veolia meeting last year, we discussed idea of a carbon footprinting meeting, Sharon suggested us looking at “zero.geeky.earth” to do this.
Could also get a speaker re ethical finances/investing? (Preferably not working for a company) Need to see how to make it interactive and interesting.
Provisional date made for Thursday June 15 th.
12. Cllr Mike Adams
Julia has emailed Cllr Mike Adams regarding making another meeting date to follow up on last meeting.
13. Magazine article
Julia to send “Annual Review”
14. Open Gardens on July 9th.
Ros is planning to open her garden and is happy to have our stall in her front garden. Brief discussion regarding whether we could have any more influence on the wider event to make it more environmentally friendly?
Some of money raised will be going to the Community garden planned for the Old School Building site in Burton Joyce. It would be good to be involved in Community Garden plan to ensure that Biodiversity/Climate Change is a consideration.
We also had a discussion about a ?Community / sensory? Garden near Trent Lane on Severn Trent land. Is it still there?
15. QR codes
Claire is going to show us how people can leave us their details by scanning a QR code on their phone. These get put on a proforma via Microsoft Forms. Would be useful to use at next stall/event.
Proposed date of next meeting: to be confirmed
Julia Devonport.
Minutes from Burton Joyce Climate Action Group Meeting
Tuesday 1st November 2022
Attended by: Helen, Ros, Sharon, Gill, Julia, Claire.
Apologies: Bobbie
Welcome to Claire.
1. Community Market.
Feedback from Community Market in Sept - ? Book next stall for March or April to sell plants and advertise Carbon footprint evening.
Identify date at next meeting.
Discussion re designing a banner, displaying some photos etc for stall to make more of an impact.
Date for planning stall on Tuesday 10th Jan at 7pm at Julia’s.
Gill to get measurements of stall.
2. Meeting with Cllr Mike Adams.
Positive that he is happy to meet regularly (next meeting suggested in new year). Was a good opportunity to discuss traffic, cycling on A612, recycling etc. Notts CC climate action plan hadn’t been published at time of meeting.
Plan date at next meeting.
3. Bulb planting.
A success despite issues re permission etc beforehand. Useful to know about this for next time. If finances are available we would like to plant some more next year. ? ask local small businesses to donate? Ros suggested planting snowdrops in the green in Spring.
Helen to look at small grants.
4. New FOE campaign.
About energy crisis and warm homes. A very timely campaign but currently we don’t have enough time to sign up.
5. Air pollution on A612.
Useful meeting with expert from FOE in Sept. Julia wrote to Professor Salim Alam at NTU to see if any students would be interested to study levels along A612. No news about interested students as yet. Helen summarised meeting and suggested actions:
Short term - ask for more diffusion tubes e.g. at narrow stretch between Massey and Woodside.
Medium term - lobby Cllr MA about “20’s plenty”.
Helen to write to GBC and Cllr MA.
Julia raised Anti Idling legislation and suggested discussion with school about getting signs up on Willow Wong and Padleys Lane. focussing on the positive impact for children walking along these roads (There’s quite a bit of negative press in Evening post etc..!!)
Gill to raise with the primary school,
6. Planters at Coop.
Manager, Heidi has agreed to pass on money raised from 2nd hand books at Coop to group for plants. Bobbie has purchased some more plants.
Gill, Ros, Bobbie to liase about replanting.
Ros to photograph insects seen on flowers and posting on our FB page/Village FB page.
7. Composting workshop.
Ros received another £5 from person who couldn’t attend course-passed on to Julia. Ros planning more dates in spring.
8. Tree Planting.
Gill confirmed that it will be on Sunday 27th Nov 10-12 and 1-3pm. Bobbie has arranged for a coffee van to come. John Jackson has erected fencing with a gap for access and will mark out where trees will need to go with canes. Gill is receiving the trees. Parents will be responsible for their own children and school will sort permissions from parents re photography etc.
Hedge planting will be at a later date, awaiting date from John Jackson for this.
Discussion re. need for weeding post planting but no routine watering (unless drought?).
Discussion re information board on day with facts about amount of CO2 trees could remove when mature, species of trees etc.
Julia to prepare.
Discussion re need for a simple plaque/sign. Likely to be expensive.
Julia to liase with Bobbie and email our group of contacts to find out if anyone has any skills in this area.
Ros to bring a small donation pot to tree event.
9. Group Mission / Planning.
Claire has experience in project management and communications. Discussion regarding our “plan” for the group; Claire will have a think about how she may best help, Helen suggested assisting with timings e.g. when magazine article due to be written.
Helen to draft a “mission statement”.
10. Village magazine.
Next village magazine article
Sharon to write article re bulb planting and include photos.
11. Letter to supermarkets.
Following our Veolia evening, Gill drafted a letter asking local supermarkets about how they are going to comply with the new Environment act legislation re packaging etc. Letter was circulated for comments.
Gill to prepare a letter for each local supermarket and give to manager.
12. Carbon Foot printing evening.
Sharon suggested using the zero.giki.earth app and including extra info re green finances.
To plan date etc next meeting.
Next meeting:
Wednesday 25th January 2023
Meeting with Michael Adams, Notts County Councillor
Present: Michael Adams, J Devonport, G Newman, H Metcalfe, P Smith
Introduction by MA
MA works with about 8 climate officers
The carbon reduction plan is due out shortly
Tree planting in several locations has already started in the county
MA also mentioned that the NCC has purchased an area of land for enriching biodiversity but wasn’t able to recall where.
MA has launched a green “investment” fund to increase biodiversity areas
MA has put forward the proposal of replacing street trees where they have been removed. Trees removed in BJ in front of shops were on private land, so couldn’t be included.
There is a SUDs application (sustainable flood management) for the Lambley Lane Dumble and volunteers will be needed to assist with construction of leaky dams etc. MA asked if we could be involved.
General discussion
Surface water
We also had a general discussion about opportunities in the village for collection of surface water rather than having too many hard surfaces - e.g. could pond at OSB be part of this? (OSB = Old School Building)
Roads and cycle ways
We had a general discussion regarding the A612 (Nottingham Road). A pedestrian crossing has been granted at Millfield Close. Average speed cameras are also being fitted to stop speeding. Narrow width of the road is a concern and shared cycle/pedestrian route far too narrow on curb.
MA has looked at this in the past - a proper cycle path would currently not fit on the current road width.
A river crossing at the Trent Basin is being funded but this is through the City council.
MA will email the information about pension investments that he has, but said he is not involved in this.
Planning permission has now been granted by NCC. Concerns raised to MA regarding pollution from greenhouse and non-greenhouse gases and nano particles and also that it will need supplying with rubbish and items that could be recycled.
Nottingham Waste Incinerator Plan
MA didn’t comment on this but JD expressed concerns that if NCC gave planning permission for this, this would work against the net zero target set by the council. Renewable energy projects would be much more desirable. The pollution of ground water and destruction of the environment by fracking is also a concern.
Plan: Meet again at beginning of the new year.
Minutes from Burton Joyce Climate action meeting
Monday 5th September 2022
Present: J Devonport, S Meldrum, H Metcalfe, R Pither.
Apologies: B Prime, G Newman, P Colbourn, P Smith
1. Actions from last meeting:
a. -Helen in process of writing to our Gedling Borough councillors, M Adams and S Smith, about recycling contract with Veolia and whether food waste and other items could be included.
b. -Gill is in process of writing to local supermarkets about their plans to reduce packaging in line with Environment act.
c. -Julia has written to M Adams in his role as County councillor and arranged a meeting for Wednesday 21st Sept at 10am, place to be confirmed. (He isn’t able to do weekends or evenings) Plan to discuss his environmental ambassador role, verges, Pensions, EMERGE, cycle paths.
2. Community Market stall on Saturday 10th September.
a. -Julia to collect boards, table etc from Bobbie’s.
b. -Julia, Sharon, Gill and Helen (if not busy on VS stall) to run it.
c. -advertise composting workshop (see later) and get names.
d. -advertise tree planting in Nov (see later) and get names.
e. -advertise bulb planting and get names (see later)
f. -bring plants to sell to cover cost of stall.
g. -Sharon to bring “Things you can do to help reduce energy” sheet to give out.
h. -Helen to bring a “mind map” of what we are up to.
i. -Collection pot for bulb purchases?
3. Bulb planting project. Plan to get volunteer names at stall on Saturday for the event on October 2nd at 2pm. Potential funding from J E Tomlinson not yet confirmed (they offered to support a project). Julia still waiting to hear if money available.
a. Sharon and Ros made a basic bulb planting plan for verge where sundial is, based on amendments made following meeting with David List, which costs £195.
b. Sharon kindly offered to personally pay for part of plan as currently we don’t have enough funds to cover it.
c. Ros and Sharon to order bulbs from Naturescape.
d. Julia to make poster for stall and print out sign-up sheet for volunteers-need to bring gloves, trowel/spade/bulb planter.
e. Julia to ask David List for spray to map out areas.
4. Cadent land near sundial. Cadent cleared the area around the gas pipes in April and they returned to meet Parish Council in August and offered £200 to replant area. Original planting was costed at £800 and so PC have asked David List to cost out a plan for £200 based on original plan (wildlife friendly planting). Julia has asked David to inform us of new plan when done.
5. Parish Council meeting to review Environment plan 1/8/22. Julia and Sharon met with Jessica Sherrin, Yvonne Greenfield and David List to review this. Jessica will update plan on PC website. Separate minutes were taken by Julia. They agreed to try a limited carbon footprint project for the Old School building and Jayne Savage reports the utility bills are available to collect. Justin has agreed to look at this.
David List is happy to provide wood for a signpost to put on the grass verge being eft for No Mow may.
We suggested our group paints information on large pepples/stones to say plants pollinator friendly etc for the PC flower beds..
6. Friends of the Earth “Ask the Expert”. Helen has contacted FOE and has set up a meeting with Jenny Bates for Wednesday 28th September at 7pm. She will send zoom invites - let Helen know you are interested. Plan is to look at air pollution along Nottingham Road due to new road and developments resulting in heavier use and children walk along it to Carlton le Willows school and also ideas to help pedestrians and cyclists e.g. cycle paths.
7. Tree Planting on riverbank on 26th/27th November. Bobbie and Gill have been in touch with John Jackson, Severn Trent Farm manager and he will put up an enclosure to protect trees from livestock and will also take delivery of the trees in mid-November. Bobbie has been in touch with the primary school regarding their input.
a. Need to collect adult names for the hedge planting.
b. Bobbie is also researching the cost of a plaque.
8. Volunteer to help with comms, admin etc. Claire has been in touch offering help, I will talk to her on Wednesday 7th Sept. Ideas for help are: Maintaining list of interested people in line with GDPR, Accounts(?), getting her opinion on the website to make it more “proactive” rather than what’s happened already and liaise with Phil, looking at the Logo, posters.
9. Finances-bank account is now open. Julia to meet with Paul regarding running of it. Julia needs to pay in money collected from past stalls and Veolia evening and ask cheque to be put in from Village society. Current balance is £101.81.
10. Planters outside Coop. These have been looking great all summer and have been maintained by U3A and a few of us with regular watering. In need of refreshing. Suggestions are to: ask Coop for contributions, use home grown plants, buy plants, use some bulbs purchased for bulb planting. Gill to ask Coop about funding.
11. Speakers for future events.
a. -Good feedback re Veolia evening. Julia spoke to Mike Poyser and suggestion was to alternate a programme of events with the Lowdham group. They have planned a talk “Beat the Energy Crisis-how to reduce your energy bills and carbon emissions” at Lowdham Womens’ Institute on Tuesday 27th September at 7.30pm.
b. -Ros has offered to run 2 composting workshops on Thursday (she also is running 2 for the Garden Holders association) on Thursday 29th September 10am to 12 and Sunday 9th October at 10 to 12. To be advertised at the Community market. Ros to send details to Julia so she can make a poster with FOE logos.
c. -We discussed an evening to help you calculate your carbon footprint. Sharon has been sent information from her uncle regarding this and so the plan is for us to try it ourselves and then facilitate an evening session in the new year. Include green finances, investments etc.
12. Article for Village Magazine. Closing date for October edition (needs to be upbeat!) is 16-9 for Steve Swann to receive article. Helen offered to write a basic article and pass on for finishing. Include photo of planter?
Any other business:
- Helen: Village society are going to launch a questionnaire about areas of focus for the society-air pollution will be listed.
- Ros: We never managed to discuss Ros’s attendance at the Net Zero community forum. Julia to recirculate the links that Ros passed on to me.
- Sharon: Brought information on the Treekly app and Helen has set up a BJCAG group. You can join us on “Climate Action group Burton Joyce”
- Helen: suggested a BJCAG Whats App group. Meeting attendees have signed up, if you want to be added please let Helen know.
- Julia: The latest FOE campaign is about home heating and fuel poverty. Launch Event: Campaign on Home Heating and Fuel Poverty Registration, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite
Anyone can attend on line if they’d like to.
Next meeting on Tuesday 1-11-22 at 7pm.
Location TBC (Julia to check if OSB is free).
Minutes of Burton Joyce Climate Action group meeting
Old School, Burton Joyce, 18-7-22
Present: Julia, Gill, Sharon, Ros, Paul, Bobbie, David, Helen
Apologies: Carole, Phil
1. First meeting at the Old School, we have been offered it for free for 6 months by the Parish Council.
2. Veolia evening (30-6) outcome. About 30 people attended, including some members of Lowdham sustainability group-interesting talk, useful to hear reasoning behind why certain items are and are not collected by Veolia for recycling markets, interesting to hear that Gedling arrange for kerbside glass and battery collection, but Newark and Sherwood do not.
Although it would be interesting to visit the Veolia site at Mansfield, currently no one has time to organise this-however, members of Lowdham sustainability group said they may do and let us know.
-Julia to write to Cllr Mike Adams in his Notts CC role to arrange a meeting to discuss Ratcliffe on Soar EMERGE plant (also Notts CC pension, roadside verges, his environmental ambassador role etc)
-Helen to write to Gedling Councillors (Sam Smith and Mike Adams) to ask about what improvements in recycling could be made in Gedling, view of kerbside collection contract being up for renewal. E.g., food waste, when will all recycling around the country be the same, other items such as tin foil etc. (Helen, there’s interesting info on WRAP website about costs of collection schemes in council areas)
-Gill to write to local supermarket chains to ask them about what they are doing to reduce packaging, their plans to align with the Environment Act (extended producer responsibility, deposit schemes etc). We can then rate them against each other.
-Sharon has already written an article in the Village magazine regarding the talk, including mention of the foil recycling collection in Lowdham.
3. Parish Council Environment plan.
Date has been made to review this on 1-8. Julia and Sharon to attend.
Points to raise:
-compost heap needed in cemetery as currently it ? goes in general waste.
-wild flower strip near Roberts Recreation ground?
-Prioritising No Mow May with sign posting
-Pond-has check been done re Great Crested newts?
-Intermediate plan for old school grounds whilst waiting for funding of development.
-Need for much better publicity and Communication of what’s being done to inform public and hopefully also inspire them?
-plan for bulb planting
-Make it easier for volunteers to get involved.
4. Ask the Expert.
Helen has been in touch with an (Friends of the earth) FOE expert on air pollution, with a view to setting up a zoom meeting regarding how to measure air pollution along the A612, with a view to its topography, recent increased development and being a route for school children. Helen to contact with her with some possible dates. Burton Joyce Village society are also keen to pursue this topic.
5. Bulb planting.
Ros and Sharon have put together some costings to plant the grass area near the sundial with a succession of spring plants and bulbs, mainly focussing on the area under the 2 trees in front of the gas main. Also, involve residents of Stockinger House, who will be new to the village and won’t have gardens. Julia and Sharon to attend meeting with Parish council to put forward this idea on 1-8.
Julia to email J Tomlinson who offered some financial and physical support for this and let them know details.
Proposed date for bulb planting, Sunday October 2nd at 2pm.
6. Sim Duhra,
Climate action officer at GBC, has replied to Julia’s email re Gedling Carbon Management plan, minor corrections made to the plan.
She also replied to Gill regarding Fantastic Homes van, and she doesn’t feel that BJ will have enough footfall for it, however she did offer Netherfield retail park. We felt that we have enough on already and Gill will let her know that currently we won’t be able to staff it.
7. Repair shop
Paul has emailed Richard and Steven who were interested.
He has been in touch with Sherwood repair cafƩ, and they are currently looking into insurance for repair cafes.
There is also a regular repair cafƩ in W Bridgford at a church, on Saturday mornings.
Ros raised the idea of a skills register for the village, which could be another way of conducting repairs. A cafƩ type scenario would be more sociable.
8. Justin’s newsletter that he circulated from Leicester FOE. It looks good-but is probably duplicating what we are doing in the village magazine? Could be a useful format for website “headlines” …?
9. Gill has booked climate stall at BJ Community Market on 10-9. Plan to sell plants again to cover costs. Start saving your seedlings!
10. Website.
Phil has put the minutes on to a tab. There is still some disconnect between it and what the group is doing. The action tab has historic things on it, could this be used for latest actions?
Also, could Phil pick out some “headlines” from the minutes to encourage people to look?
e.g., from this meeting, could pick out “actions from Veolia meeting”, “BJ Parish council environment plan coming up for review”..?
Sharon-this is an extra point, but could you send your magazine article to Phil to put on website?
11. Brief discussion about our bank account- still not set up, but I will attach our accounts to these minutes.
12. Future meetings. Sharon proposed a meeting to help people calculate their carbon footprint. If we all look out for a cheap/free speaker on an interesting topic or someone who can take a group through calculating their footprint, we could arrange for November.
13. The Friends of the Earth Climate action network have information on the internet and a regular online regional meeting which Julia currently gets an invite to, but any one of us can attend to represent and give feedback from our group and join a discussion on a topic (or just listen!). There is also a regional newsletter which I try and forward when it arrives.
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