October Review
- Julia attended the last Burton Joyce Parish Council meeting & raised the issue of mowing: Could we leave some areas unmown to encourage wildlife? It was suggested she could meet up and walk round the village to see who mows what and when. A date has been proposed for this. Check here for further reports and updates.
This Plantlife document on verge management is very useful.
You can also read about No Mow May here.
We have thought about which areas could be targeted for reduced mowing, adding wild flowers or seeding a meadow.
These are our initial suggestions:
- Area on the far side of the railway line between the Trent Lane railway crossing and the Lee Road crossing used by dog walkers etc. or other areas mown by Severn Trent
- We noted that the verges on the farm road seem to have been mown later this year giving more time for cow parsley etc to blossom
- The flood bank with path on way to Poplars - mown by Severn Trent
- Somewhere inside or just outside Roberts recreation ground
- Bigger area in the Grove?
- Area on the grass verge between Rhubarbs and Roberts rec.
- Area outside library on corner with A612.
We have also considered:
Current flower beds in village being planted with plants good for pollinators,
Adding new planters in village, perhaps outside the shops
Asking if the school would like to get involved.
- Julia also mentioned the proposed new planning laws to the Parish Council. She has forwarded them this Friends of the Earth link to voice our concerns about these laws.
We have since talked about circulating this link to our group mailing list.
- Julia attended an East Midlands Friends of the Earth (FOE) climate groups meeting. They said well done for keeping our group going as many had folded due to Covid.
- Julia plans to attend a webinar with FOE about how to get the most out of your group!
- Phil is developing this website and posting on our Facebook page and Twitter account.
- We are very pleased to see the new shop Zest for Life is plastic free!! Bobbie mentioned our group to the people in the shop. We wondered if we could make a poster for the group to put in the shop (and maybe elsewhere, eg library, cafes, etc.?)
- We discussed writing more articles for the online Parish Mag as there is a new editor.
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