Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Next group meeting

The next group meeting 

An opportunity to meet Sim Duhra

Climate Change Officer for Gedling Borough Council

Monday 31st January 2022


Venue to be confirmed

Hopefully face-to-face depending on circumstances 

Please note: the date had been changed!

Please change your diary or calendar entries!

A stall at the Village Market

 A stall at the Village Market 

We will have group stall at the *Village Market* in Burton Joyce 

Saturday 8th January 2022 

A working group of four will coordinate

Gedling Carbon strategy response

Formulating our response to the 

Gedling Carbon Management Strategy document 

We had a good session last night via Zoom with six people on line but it is difficult to formulate a group response when the are so many different issues involved so we decided to form a splinter group of three to hammer out a final draft. 

The closing date for responses is 4th January. 

Send in your comments before *Wednesday 15th December* so the group of three have something to work with. Thanks

Monday, 22 November 2021

November Meeting(s)

Meeting Monday 22nd November 2021, 7pm

via Google Meet

Five participants

We had a wide ranging discussion on Gedling Borough climate proposals:

the Gedling Climate Change Strategy (here

the Gedling Carbon Management Strategy (here)

Next, to formulate a group response, we'll reconvene next Monday evening. Grimacing face
Good to see two new faces

Full Minutes to follow

Summary of COP26

 So what really happened?

Here is a handy summary of the outcomes from a wildlife point of view

Wildlife Trusts summary of COP26

Next group meeting is TONIGHT!

 Next meeting - Monday 22 November at 7pm 

Justin will send out the link.

Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Group constitution

 A new Group Constitution has been agreed.

You can find it on the Who we are page (above).

Please check it out. Thanks

Email any comments to:


Earthshot winners announced

Earthshot winners

via  Postive News

Five eco innovators have been awarded £1m each to develop their ideas, which offer scalable solutions to deforestation, pollution and other environmental challenges.

The  Earthshot Prize ,  is a new annual award that celebrates innovators with scaleable solutions to environmental problems.   

The winners:

Costa Ricawinner, protect and restore nature category. Costa Rica has reversed decades of deforestation by paying people to protect ecosystems 

Takachar: winner, clean our air category. New Delhi-based Takachar has developed a technology that could end the practice of burning agricultural waste, which causes severe air pollution in India.

Coral Vita: winner, revive our oceans category. Coral Vita is a Bahamas-based conservation organisation that cultivates coral on land and replants it in the ocean. 

Milan: winner, waste-free world category. An initiative that has dramatically cut food waste while tackling hunger saw Milan win the waste-free world category.  Launched in 2019, with the aim of halving waste by 2030, Milan’s Food Waste Hubs programme recovers food from supermarkets and restaurants.

AEM Electrolyser: winner, fix our climate category. The AEM Electrolyser turns renewable electricity from wind and solar farms into emission-free hydrogen, which can be used to power factories and other high-energy buildings.

Local Elections - policy questions

We put a series of questions to all candidates in the Trent Valley ward in the Local Elections on 4th May 2023. We received one reply (see b...